If there’s a silver lining to the year’s events, it’s how so many of us have had an opportunity to slow down a little bit. Being at home during the transition from early to late spring has given us an opportunity to watch the world wake up in slow-motion, from first bud to first bloom. Those daily walks to get some sunshine have now become a cherished ritual in our daily lives, and spending more time outside is becoming a greater priority.

Here’s the catch, though; we’re all feeling the urge to soak up the outdoors, and we’re all home at the same time, trying to enjoy it. Even if your neighbours are the kindest, sweetest people on Earth, chances are you’re looking to spend time outside at the same time without being an accidental participant in all of each other’s conversations. These days, privacy is more precious than ever before. Fortunately, there’s plenty you can do in the landscape to enhance the look of the space while also (subtly!) reclaiming your privacy.

How Can I Get Privacy from My Neighbours?

Privacy can be a tricky thing when it comes to the neighbourly dynamic. You don’t want Tom and Carol next door thinking you don’t enjoy their company, but sometimes you also need to establish boundaries between your yards. If you have neighbours on both sides, that goes double!

If you need any solutions, please contact us

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